My blog is dead.
My blog is dead. I am old, my vocabulary gets worse with every episode of the Real World/Road Rules Challenge, and I’m far too sensitive for this blogger lifestyle. Each day I find myself turning more and more into Hank Hill. The bottom line is that I really don’t have anything important to say. Until that changes, my blog is dead.
It is not dead. You are the only person besides Marc who has me on their blog roll and Marc lets everyone be on his roll. Keep going TFL and then maybe Zelph will do it too. He just makes fun of me and writes perverted anonymous comments on my blog.
As a sidenote... isn't it odd how we're apparently not cool enough for blondemama's blogroll?
I would put you on but I don't know how to make a blogroll. You know that you would be first on the list. Gay porn, straight porn, its all good....
Just so you know Seth tried to write a perverted comment but you don't allow anonymous comments.....
Seth just saw me type my password so if there is a perverted comment it is not from me.
Marc, I appreciate the concern. Unfortunately, I just haven’t had the time and motivation to put together any worthwhile thoughts. I felt like my suck-blog was just taking up space in the information super-pipeline. I would rather spend my time reading blogs like yours where I actually learn something, or BA’s where I get a good laugh, or BM’s (Blonde Mama, I just gave you a sweet knick name) where I stay caught up with good friends. Maybe some day I’ll get off my lazy can and write something of worth. Until, then I’ll be reading what you have to say.
And BM (it just rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?) I have no idea what you’re talking about with Marc, but this weekend I’ll show you how to make Marc and I you’re #1 blogroll homies. And let Seth know that this is a family/work environment friendly blog.
"Work"..."friendly", that is an oxymoron mother@(*%&. I think when two chicks make out it is hot. I have boobs, I love them so much.
Sheesh dawg, look at the support you get. Why shut down shop now? Why can't you just turn it in to a music critic blog?
I'm semi-offended that you LEARN from Marc's blog and laugh from mine, I like to think of my blog as offering a bit to everyone. Especially people who like to talk about pee and poo.
BA, you know you’ll always be my #1 dawgg. Just check my blog roll. For the record, Sic Transit Gloria is the perfect blog. A little bit of this and a little bit of that.
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